Whether you have a single personal computer at home or a network with several users, there always seems to come a time that you do require the services of a truly qualified technician. Wouldn't it be far simpler and much more effective to have the tech come to you rather than you disconnecting everything and carting it off to the shop.
Service Call: In addition to a primary problem which prompted the call for service. Hit Any Key Computers Services Technicians will perform a full system check-up and analysis of your system. Because, much like an automobile, your computer will become slower and start to have problems if it is not 'tuned' regularly. Old temporary files and applications clutter up the hard drive, files get fragmented, and some applications can even spy on your surfing habits, and get in the way of your Internet access. This overall check-up and service will enhance your computer's performance, and make sure you're fully protected from security threats and viruses. While we're at it, we'll provide recommendations for how to make the most of the hardware and software investments you've made.
The service includes:
- Running Diagnostics to check your system for hardware problems.
- Update virus software and check for viruses
- Check that your PC is secure from unauthorized access
- Delete temporary and trash files
- Remove unnecessary programs from running at startup
- Uninstall unnecessary programs and components
- Check for and correct disk and directory errors
- Ensure you have enough disk space for your future usage
- Provide Instruction for De-fragmentation of your hard dive.
- Check your display settings are set correctly
- Overall System evaluation
Home Networks: If you have more than one computer and more than one user in a household, odds are you would benefit quite a bit from installing a network in your home. And these days, installing a network is easier and more cost-effective than ever with the wide availability of wireless networking.
Now you can have the same types of advantages in the home that only businesses had until recently- sharing of Internet connections, files, printers, and other resources. Our experienced technicians can help you navigate through the many choices involved, help you obtain and install the pieces, and configure it all so it works the way you need it to. Current computers, printers, and other peripherals can usually be integrated, allowing you to leverage your previous hardware investments in new ways.
Files, printers, and fax should be shared, not duplicated. Networks tie all of these resources together, for convenience, value, and flexibility. We will help you get more bang for your buck by making any sharable resource available to any designated computer or approved user to take advantage of shared data and devices.
Internet: The Internet provides an unequaled and powerful array of opportunities for the home user. What level of access do you need, and what is the most effective and economical way to set up your household? We can advise you in how to make sure you get the value you're looking for from your Internet services and that they are properly integrated into your home network.
Email: There are more options for and details involved in setting up your Internet accounts than you might want to deal with. But if you don't look at the fine print, you will probably end up paying way more than you should for less service. If you like, San Diego Computer Services will handle the whole process, including installation and setup.
Internet Connection Sharing: If you have multiple computers in your household, you can network them together to provide everyone with fast Internet service from a single connection. Not only does this save a lot of money over setting all your family members up separately, but the convenience and flexibility is terrific!
Privacy/Security: Are you aware of all the different ways that private and potentially sensitive data ( such as email, credit card numbers, family data, etc.) can be seen by other people you don't know or trust? Our Technician can do a security assessment of your current network, Computer applications, settings, and habits, and recommend ways to keep private data private, while still getting the benefits of networking and Internet access. As part of our standard services, we can set up a firewall to protect your network against outside intruders.
Virus Protection: Sometime you may wonder what do all these Internet computer hackers do for a living. Contrary to popular suspicions, they don't work for the companies that provide anti-virus software... There are several off the shelf very effective Anti-Virus Programs which we recommend that greatly helps make sure your system is secure from these common threats. Nevertheless, in the event that a virus is successful in scrambling your system, San Diego Computer Service is available to help you recover, and prevent future attacks.
Our Rates: Hit Any Key Computer Service's highly trained technical staff is available on an hourly basis for on-site repairs of Computer hardware, printers, Internet connections, software and any operating systems. Whether your system is completely dead or just sounds like it wants to die, we can troubleshoot and repair most common problems in one trip.
Travel Charges ------ $100.00 (Includes Analysis of problem and estimate of charges) Hourly Charges ------ $45.00 Per Hour
Estimates for specific projects are always available upon request.
The above rates apply to all services, Days, Nights, Weekends and Holidays.