
Safety Links

Guides and Rules to Safe Surfing

  • n A Parent's Guide to Internet Safety - Federal Bureau of Investigation. English or Spanish.
  • n Children's Partnership Online - The latest statistics and data of where things stand today with children, families and the Internet.
  • n CyberNetiquette Comix - An entertaining, interactive way for families to learn valuable lessons about online safety.
  • n Disney's Surf Swell Island - Help Mickey and the gang with their adventures in Internet safety!
  • n FCC Parents' Information Site- Includes information on filtering software, the V chip, cable lock boxes and more.
  • n Finding Data on the Internet - You've cast your lines into the sea of sources, but still aren't finding the information you need. That's what happens when you don't know the right place to look.
  • n GetNetWise - A collaborative effort from Internet industry and public interest organizations to help insure that families have safe, constructive, and educational or entertaining online experiences.
  • n Internet Do's & Don'ts - The superhighway where kids drive.
  • n Kidd Safety - U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
  • n Kid Safety on the Internet - The POLICE NOTEBOOK.
  • n Kidz Privacy - Federal Trade Commission.
  • n ILC Glossary of Internet Terms - by Matisse Enzer.
  • n My Rules for Online Safety - Kids' Rules for Online Safety.
  • n NetPets: Kids' Computer Room - Learn How to Bookmark a Page, Fabulously Fun Emoticons! Computers Are Tough Critters!
  • n - The web site of the Internet Safety Group, a government supported entity committed to keeping our kids safe on the Net.
  • n Paw Island- The magical island of dogs and cats. Wholesome Internet games,activities, comics for children k-6...
  • n SOFWeb's Virtual Lounge - Information on topics such as electronic mail, publishing on the Internet, digital movie and sound formats with lots of fun samples...
  • n AOL@School - A Safe, School-Focused Online Learning Tool.
  • n Introduction to the Internet - The internet is made up of millions of computers linked together around the world in such a way that information can be sent from any computer to any other 24 hours a day.
  • n The Police Notebook - Law Enforcement Internet site to promote safety and crime prevention information. Kid Safety of the Internet.
  • n What Can I do to be 'Net' safe - The Police Notebook - Law Enforcement Internet site to promote safety and crime prevention information.
  • n WOW Online - Empowers kids in wheelchairs by encouraging personal achievement through creative learning and expanded life experiences that lead to independent living skills.
  • n Yahooligans! Parents Guide - Safe surfing is a family affair.
  • Blocking Software
  • n Cyber Snoop - To track where your children have been on the net.
  • n Cyber Patrol - Cyber Patrol is Internet filtering software used to manage Internet access, limit the total time spent online and block access to Internet sites that users deem inappropriate. A free trial download of the software is available at this site.
  • n Momma Bear - The System Control Program for Windows.
  • n Net Nanny - Peace of mind through innovative security and privacy solutions for the digital world.
  • Filtered Search Engines
  • n AnimalSearch - A family-safe search engine for animal related web sites.
  • n AOL@SCHOOL Elementary - Browse All Categories.
  • n Ask Jeeves for Kids!– Kids can search the web in plain English! The fastest and easiest place for kids to find answers online!
  • n Google's - SafeSearch screens for sites that contain adult sites and eliminates them from search results. No filter is 100% accurate.
  • n GetNetWise can help. - The challenge is to stay "one-click" ahead of would-be pornographers, hackers, child-predators and those who would misuse your and your child's sensitive information.

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